Pre-Pottery Neolithic Bouqras in Syria
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Pre-Historic Bouqras

Selected Excerpt on Bouqras The Neolithic of the Levant
A. M. T. Moore - Oxford University
Neolithic 2: Pages 176 - 180

A 7th-millennium BC Pre-Pottery Neolithic B village site near the River Euphrates in Syria. The first occupation phase had two levels with rectangular mud-brick houses. The next four levels had more solid mud-brick houses, some with plastered floors, benches and pillars. The animal economy was based on the hunting of wild animals except in the final phase, when sheep and cattle were bred. On the plant side, sickle blades, pounders and querns - used either for wild or cultivated plants - appear in the first phase, but afterwards disappear from the toolkit. Artefacts include a 'white ware', made of mixed lime and ash and used to cover baskets producing watertight vessels. Obsidian occurs in large quantities, indicating extensive trade networks linking Bouqras with the source sites in Anatolia ..... (AHSFC)

Journal Articles

Stratigraphy, Architecture, and Layout of Bouqras
Préhistoire du Levant: Pages 485 - 501 (1981)

Bouqras Revisited: Preliminary Report on a Project in Eastern Syria
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society Pages: Pages 335-72 (1983)]

The Palaeobotany of Tell Bouqras in Eastern Syria
Palorient: Pages 131-147 (1985)

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